The type of litter or bedding is one of the most important choices a rabbit owner can make. Rabbits not only enjoy burrowing into warm comfortable litters, but an incorrect litter choice can lead to odors and even an aversion by the rabbit to its habitat.
It’s vital to look at factors such as absorbency, ingredients, and pet comfort, in order to find the overall best litter for rabbits.

10. Kaytee Kay-KOB Bedding and Litter

Kaytee Kay-KOB Bedding and Litter

 Ideal for: Rabbits and other small pets 

This special litter is made from corn cobs and is specifically designed not to stick to a pet’s fur, making it an ideal choice for the best litter for rabbits. The bedding is nearly completely dust free and made of all-natural materials.

  • Made of all-natural ingredients
  • Designed to be comfortable and leave pets clean
  • May not be as absorbent as other products

9. Kaytee Wood Pellets for Pets

Kaytee Wood Pellets for Pets

 Ideal for: All small pets and birds 

These wood pellets won’t cling to pet fur, keeping your pet comfortable and dry. They’re processed so as to eliminate dust and are designed to make cleaning the cage easier. The wood itself is completely natural and is processed so as to eliminate debris.

  • Made of all-natural wood materials
  • Reduces dust and makes cleaning easy
  • Must be replaced frequently

8. Kaytee Clean & Cozy Natural Small Animal Bedding

Kaytee Clean & Cozy Natural Small Animal Bedding

 Ideal for: Small pets such as rabbits 

This bedding from Kaytee is made of all-natural paper materials. It’s formulated to reduce almost all dust, as well as to be incredibly absorbent. It controls odors, but it’s also light and fluffy, making it ideal for your rabbit to burrow into. This makes it a great choice for the best litter for rabbits.

  • Absorbent and dust free
  • Made of all-natural paper materials
  • Bedding must be changed frequently

7. Kaytee All Natural Aspen Bedding

Kaytee All Natural Aspen Bedding

 Ideal for: All small pets 

Aspen is a great choice of litter for rabbits. It’s absorbent and makes cleaning the habitat much easier. This bedding is also formulated to eliminate dust and wood debris found in other beddings. The natural ingredients mean there are no harsh chemicals, oils, or scents.

  • All-natural materials
  • Made to be absorbent and nearly dust-free
  • Wood scent may be too strong for some rabbits

6. Small Pet Select Natural Paper Bedding

Small Pet Select Natural Paper Bedding

 Ideal for: Rabbits and guinea pigs  

This special bedding is made of all-natural paper materials—the materials aren’t recycled, so they don’t contain any harmful inks or residues. The bedding is soft and fluffy, making it one of the best litters for rabbits. It also reduces dust, is very absorbent, and each bag comes with a large amount of the product.

  • Made of all-natural, never before used paper
  • Reduces dust and pet odor
  • Bedding is comfortable and soft
  • More expensive than other options

5. Vitakraft Fresh World Strength Crumble Bedding for Small Animals

Vitakraft Fresh World Strength Crumble Bedding for Small Animals

 Ideal for: Rabbits and other small animals  

This bedding is eco-friendly, because it’s made completely of recycled paper, and is biodegradable. It helps to eliminate both dust and odor in a rabbit’s habitat. In addition, this paper bedding can absorb up to three times its weight, so it makes cleaning the habitat simple.

  • Eco-friendly
  • Helps to reduce dust and odors
  • Super absorbent and soft
  • Recycled papers may contain residues

4. Kaytee Clean & Cozy Extreme Odor Control

Kaytee Clean & Cozy Extreme Odor Control

 Ideal for: Small animals such as rabbits 

Kaytee’s Extreme Odor Control bedding is specifically designed to absorb messes and reduces odors, which makes it a great choice for the best litter for rabbits. This bedding is soft and fluffy, so rabbits can dig into it. It’s made of paper and contains a safe cleanser to keep the habitat smelling fresh.

  • Specifically designed to reduces odors and keep habitats clean
  • Soft and comfortable
  • Helps to reduce dust
  • Contains a chemical cleanser

3. Kaytee Clean & Cozy White Small Animal Bedding

Kaytee Clean & Cozy White Small Animal Bedding

 Ideal for: All small pets and animals  

This bedding is designed with rabbits and other small pets in mind, and it’s soft and fluffy formula keeps the habitat comfortable. The paper materials are designed to reduce dust and odor. In addition, the litter can absorb up to six times its weight in liquid, so keeping the habitat clean is very simple.

  • Made of paper that helps to reduce dust and odors
  • Extremely absorbent
  • Soft and comfortable
  • Must be replaced frequently

2. Carefresh Complete Pet Bedding

Carefresh Complete Pet Bedding

 Ideal for: Small pets such as rabbits 

This bedding, made of reclaimed natural fibers, is soft and comfortable, making the rabbit’s habitat inviting. It’s designed to help reduce dust, and it’s also formulated to help control pet odors. In addition, this bedding is incredibly absorbent, so cleaning the habitat is very simple.

  • Made of reclaimed, natural fibers
  • Absorbent
  • Helps to control both dust and odors
  • May not be as absorbent as some paper beddings

1. Carefresh Custom Rabbit/Guinea Pig Bedding

Carefresh Custom Rabbit,Guinea Pig Bedding

 Ideal for: Rabbits and guinea pigs 

Carefresh’s bedding, specifically designed for rabbits, uses all-natural paper. This paper is broken down into larger pieces for a rabbit’s larger size, and is soft, warm, and comfortable. It also helps to control dust and is super absorbent.

  • Absorbent and almost dust-free
  • Made specifically for rabbits
  • More expensive than other options


Litter may seem like the last thing to think about when it comes to rabbit ownership, but it’s actually one of the most important things to consider. Litter keeps rabbits comfortable and can be a key factor in pet odor and how clean the habitat is.
Sharing with other pet owners can help you make an informed decision about what the best litter for rabbits really is. Share your experiences as well, so other rabbit owners can get your opinions.