by ToyPetReviews Team | Dec 17, 2023 | Guinea Pig Needs
Many guinea pig owners may not realize that that their smelly pets do occasionally require baths. But bathing guinea pigs actually requires a great deal of care, as it can sometimes be dangerous for the animal’s health. Therefore, finding the best guinea pig... by ToyPetReviews Team | Dec 16, 2023 | Guinea Pig Needs
Guinea pigs are adorable and active animals that make great pets. They have specific dietary needs that must be met in order to keep them healthy. Most commercial guinea pig foods are designed to me those needs, but some are better than others. Choosing the best... by ToyPetReviews Team | Dec 16, 2023 | Guinea Pig Needs
Although some small pet owners may not realize it, guinea pigs require nearly as much grooming as a dog or cat if you want to keep them both healthy and looking their best. There are a number of different necessary grooming supplies, and in our article, we’ll take...